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Night of Madness

27th March, 8.00 PM

Home is where the heart is. It’s the only place where I can be myself. After a stressful day at work, I hopped onto my bed and stared at the ceiling for some time. Living alone has its perks. There’s no one to nag me when I come back home exhausted. I filled my bathtub with warm water and lit scented candles beside it. After grabbing my bath brush, I jumped into the bathtub. The aroma, bubbles and the warm water soothed my mind. I hummed an old tune and started singing the song. Once the song ended, I thanked my imaginary audience.

‘Wow! I didn’t know you were a singer’, a voice boomed behind me. My heart froze.

28th March, 7.00 AM

My alarm rang and I woke up with a throbbing headache. I ran my fingers through my hair. There was a huge bump at the back of my head. Then, I noticed bruise marks on my face and wrists. My left eye was swollen. I wanted to shout on top of my lungs but all I managed was a hiccup. Tears welled up in my eyes. I tried desperately to recollect what happened last night and connect the dots. The more I tried, the harder it seemed. I wrapped my arms around myself and rocked from side to side to calm down.

I got scared by the sudden noise of sirens. I peeked through my window. There were a couple of police jeeps and officers with walkie talkies outside my house. That’s when it struck me. There must have been a break-in last night and the burglar must have hit my head and robbed me. Someone must have informed the police. I sighed in relief. Immediately, I ran to my safe to check how much I had been robbed.

To my horror, I saw a diamond necklace and wads of two thousand-rupee notes.

My mind was spinning. Was this someone’s ploy to defame me? I shut the locker and dropped to my knees. The policemen barged into my home.

‘Miss Divya, you are under arrest for robbing “KCC Jewellers” last night.’ I was dumbfounded and within a minute, I wailed on top of my lungs. I pleaded that someone was trying to frame me. I threw a tantrum and cursed but the officers did not budge.

One of the officers smiled weakly and looked me in the eye. ‘It’s okay. You won’t go to prison immediately. A psychiatrist will be assigned to you until your multiple personality disorder is diagnosed.’ With those words, she handcuffed me.


  1. Niveditha Sriram3 January 2020 at 22:06

    Whoa. Certainly did not expect that ending! Thought it were a case of kidnapping by a stalker or a scorned ex lover seeking revenge! Definitely not this. Crisp and to the point. Well written ��

  2. In a nutshell, it's "Whoa-nderful!!"

  3. Fantastic from start until the end :)

  4. Very good one... really a surprising and real twisting end...

  5. I intially thought it was a horror one .. but in the end there was a twist.. something none would have imagined..

  6. I intially thought it was a horror one .. but in the end there was a twist.. something none would have imagined..

  7. Finally you realised that you have Multiple personality disorder:)

  8. Gud at the termination,unthoughtable ending, Awesomely furnished.


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